
  • Grossmann & Berger GmbH

    Property service provider
    Bleichenbrücke 9 (Stadthöfe)
    20354 Hamburg

    Tel.: +49 40 350802-0
    Fax: +49 40 350802-36

    Information about Online Dispute Resolution:
    According to guideline 2013/11 / EU , the EU Commission sets up an internet platform for online dispute resolutions ( " ODR platform " ) between consumers and traders. This is accessible via the following link:

    Managing directors with power of representation:
    Andreas Rehberg (spokesman), Andreas Gnielka, Björn Holzwarth

    Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
    Frank Brockmann

    Court of registry: Hamburg
    Registration number: B 25866

    Supervisory authority:
    Hamburg-Mitte district office

    Department for consumer protection,
    industry and the environment
    Klosterwall 2 (Block A)
    20095 Hamburg, Germany

    VAT registration ID under section 27a of the UStG:
    DE 118 556 939

  • Anteon Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG

    Ernst-Schneider-Platz 1
    40212 Düsseldorf

    Tel.: +49 211 585889-0
    Fax: +49 211 585889-88

    Information about Online Dispute Resolution:
    According to guideline 2013/11 / EU , the EU Commission sets up an internet platform for online dispute resolutions ( " ODR platform " ) between consumers and traders. This is accessible via the following link :

    VAT registration ID under Section 27a of the UStG:
    DE 259 465 200

    Trading certificate:
    Permission under section 34c of the GewO has been granted unconditionally by the administration of the State Capital Düsseldorf, office 32, tel.: +49(0) 211 8923 223.

    Anteon Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG
    Based in Düsseldorf, Court of registry: Düsseldorf HRA 19934
    Limited partner: ANTEON Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH,
    based in Düsseldorf, court of registry: Düsseldorf HRB 58418

    Managing partners:
    Guido Nabben, Heiko Piekarski, Jens Reich, Dirk Schäfer and Marius Varro

  • GREIF & CONTZEN Immobilien GmbH 

    Pferdmengesstraße 42
    50968 Köln

    Tel.: +49 221 937793-0
    Fax: +49 221 937793-77

    Information about Online Dispute Resolution:
    According to guideline 2013/11 / EU , the EU Commission sets up an internet platform for online dispute resolutions ( " ODR platform " ) between consumers and traders. This is accessible via the following link :

    Court of registry and commercial registration number: 
    Amtsgericht Köln, 59146

    Responsible for content under section 55, paragraph 2 of the RStV:
    Theodor J. Greif

    Department for consumer protection: 
    Ordnungsamt Cologne, Postfach 103564, 50475 Cologne

    VAT registration ID under section 27a of the UStG:
    DE 814 856 2 54

    Managing directors: 
    Theodor J. Greif, Rainer Krauß

  • blackolive advisors GmbH 

    Reuterweg 18
    60323 Frankfurt

    Tel.: +49 69 9074487-0
    Fax: +49 69 9074487-10

    Information about Online Dispute Resolution:
    According to guideline 2013/11 / EU , the EU Commission sets up an internet platform for online dispute resolutions ( " ODR platform " ) between consumers and traders. This is accessible via the following link :

    Court of registry and commercial registration number:
    Amtsgericht Frankfurt, 93813

    Responsible for content under section 55, paragraph 2 of the RStV:
    Oliver Schön

    Department for consumer protection: 
    Gewerbe- und Ordnungsamt Frankfurt, Kleyerstraße 86, 60326 Frankfurt am Main

    VAT registration ID under section 27a of the UStG:
    DE 28 33 90 90 9

    Managing directors: 
    Oliver Schön, Rainer Hamacher

  • E & G Real Estate GmbH

    Börsenplatz 1
    70174 Stuttgart

    Postfach 10 04 63
    70003 Stuttgart

    Tel.: +49 711 20702-700
    Fax: +49 711 20702-702

    Information about Online Dispute Resolution:
    According to guideline 2013/11 / EU , the EU Commission sets up an internet platform for online dispute resolutions ( " ODR platform " ) between consumers and traders. This is accessible via the following link :

    Responsible supervisory authority:
    Gewerbe- und Gaststättenbehörde, Eberhardstraße 37, 70173 Stuttgart

    Court of registry and commercial registration number: 
    Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRA 738

    Authorising body: 
    Permission under section 34c, paragraph 1 of the GewO is included under section 32, paragraph 1 of the KWG; section 34c, paragraph 5, item 2 of the GewO.

    Responsible for content under section 55, paragraph 2 of the RStV: 
    Björn Holzwarth, personally liable partner

    VAT registration ID under Section 27a of the UStG: 
    DE 257361630

    Personally liable partners:
    Björn Holzwarth, Alexander Zigan, Lars Seidel

This imprint also applies to the following social media profiles: