Office letting market Berlin 1Q2024: Agreements continue to be preceded by lengthy talks

Between January and March 2024 uptake of office space in Berlin totalled 147,000 m². This result was 18 % higher than at the start of the year 2023. “However, the market remains on the slow side. Potential tenants continue to attach very great value to good quality consultancy. But at the same time it is more difficult to reach a decision because there are more premises available to choose from. The office-letting market was dominated by a few large-volume agreements signed by public sector bodies, which accounted for almost 70 per cent of take-up,” says Antje Helmer, Head of office letting Berlin for Grossmann & Berger Immobilien, a member of German Property partners (GPP). In the same period a year ago, the public sector had a 21 % share of the market, similar to rates posted by consultancies and IT.

For market data and top agreements, please have a look at the word document.

Press contact

Britt Finke

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20354 Hamburg

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